The Cincinnati Atlas | The Online Guide to Cincinnati.
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Below is a brief list of events. To be informed of upcoming events or to post your event on open calendar, click here.

July - All-American Birthday Party, along the riverfront. Fourth of July celebration. 621-9326.

August - Midwest Region Black Family Reunion Celebration, Bicentennial Commons at Sawyer Point. 742-9378.

September - Riverfest, Toyota/WEBN Fireworks, along Ohio River in Covington, Newport and Cincinnati. 621-9326.

September 16-17 - Oktoberfest Zinzinnati, Fountain Square and Fifth Street. German food, entertainment. 579-3191.

October - Worldjam, Downtown. 621-3378.

December - Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, Downtown. 5K race benefits Arthritis Foundation. 271-4545.