- ART DEADLINES LIST - A monthly newsletter (email and paper versions) providing information about juried exhibitions/competitions, call for entries/proposals/papers, jobs, internships, writing and photo contests, scholarships, residencies, design and architecture competitions, auditions, fellowships, casting calls, tryouts, grants, festivals, funding, financial aid, and other opportunities (including some that take place on the web) for artists, art educators and art students of all ages.
- Burnt
Offerings - Using eclectic composition and ancient techniques, we are
committed to "expressing and communicating Art through Music, Vision, and
- Art-Smart
- Regional Arts Organizations
- Alliance of Ohio Community Arts Agencies
- Arts Foundation of Michigan
- Arts Indiana
- Chicago
Department of Cultural Affairs
- CincinnatiArt.com
- MN Online
- Walker Art Center
- Current
Visions gallery from the WNET's American Visions site
- ArtsNet
- Arts Deadline List
- Arts Edge
- Benton
Foundation and its Open Studio project
- WebLouvre:
Ceci n'est pas un art museum, but enough like the real thing that
les agents de l'impressionisme are pissed off.
- Art
Crimes, a way cool graffiti art gallery, features wall art from the
U.S. and the Czech Republic. These elaborate, spray-painted pieces are
fresh off the street and shockingly good. See guerrilla art worth being
arrested for:
- The Conservatoire
National des Arts et Metiers and of the Musee des arts et metiers (Museum
of arts and crafts, Paris, France) present a new virtual museum of technology:
the Web server of "Musee des arts et metiers." This museum, depicted in
Umberto Eco's famous novel, The Foucault's pendulum, hosts 80 000
objects and documents related with every great technical innovation. The
text, tant pis, is en francais et je ne le sais pas lire tres
- ArtROM's
Museum Web
- Virtual French Painting Exhibition: "Le siecle des lumieres dans la peinture des musees de France." En Francais, aussi.
- U. of C.'s Art Collections
- zero1art
- http://www.isabel.com/home.html
- art-to-go
- http://www.nwcreations.com/
- virtual
colony A home on the Web for artists, writers & musicians.
- net art
- http://www.ukdirectory.com/edu/art.htm
A comprehensive listing of UK artists and galleries on the Web.
- Gallerie
Konzeptwerk Art for the 21st Century.
- Hermann
R. Lehner - A Gallery of Digital Art, Germany.
- Wellness
Community - An interesting community site featuring an Art Colony.
- ArtNatAm - Native American Artists.
- Internet ArtResources - Your complete guide to the visual arts!
- World Wide Art - Specialising in Limited Editions by Today's Top Artists.
- WWW Art Guide - Art Resource Directory - Submit your URLs.
- CenturyMage - Photographic Memories of the XXth century.
- Creative Ooze - An e-zine that is well worth a visit.
- WorldWide Art Xpo - Where Art is Everything and Everything is Art.
- Rex Artist Supplies - Your Best source of Creative Arts Supplies on the Web.